I was huddled in a small, dark cabin when the tale I am about to impart to you was whispered to me in hushed tones of demonic reverence. Only moments earlier had I sought refuge alone, on a turbulent night when most had the better sense to congregate in numbers. Unbeknownst to me, I had stumbled into the presence of the supernatural. So when my eyes were jolted open by the intensity of a fiery orange gaze, I listened with rapt attention, and prayed that one more sun would rise on my destiny. I remember the words he spoke that night. They still ring in my ears with the prophecy of evil.

It is from mankind’s holiest of books that we are told, "from the eternal darkness of Athana he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against man, until man exists no more."

It was the Dark Lords who established the conditions for the resurrection of the 13th Prophecy, designed to unlock the gates to the mortal world and allow the infinite powers of Athana to walk the earth consuming all that is good and collecting souls for the ultimate harvest.  They were patient in their execution of judgment on mankind. Floods and droughts were the toys in evil's arsenal, meted out on man for their perverse entertainment. Famine and wars consumed many parts of the world, turning lush landscape into scorched wasteland. These tribulations allowed seeds of evil to fester and germinate beneath the soil, building to that moment when the first of the bearers of the prophetic mark would rise.

For centuries man has waited for signs of the Prophecy and the emergence of the unholy one. Prophets and soothsayers foretold of a distant evil, leaving mankind to bask in his naivete to the signs of evil that already surrounded him. 

Embark if you dare on a journey that will take you to a time that surpasses all human understanding.  To a time when warlocks and witches roamed the earth, practicing their craft on those weak in mind and spirit. Lives were bartered and plundered for pure sport. Survival became the only morality, and lawlessness a virtue. To a place where the mighty ruled with impunity, and the frail cowered in terror beneath a breeding ground of conditions that blessed ill intentions. The dark forces of Athana were in gleeful preparation for the coming of a great Prophecy. The 13th Prophecy!